
Returns made easy

Have you ordered something but changed your mind? No problem! At Swim Essentials, you have 14 days to return your items to us—hassle-free, so you can quickly get back to enjoying the summer!

Returns in 4 simple steps


Carefully package your items and send them through a shipping company as a return to:
De Beverspijken 20, 5221 ED, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.


Put your items back in the delivery box and make sure to remove the original delivery sticker.


Bring your package to your delivery point of choice. Make sure you always receive a shipping receipt.


We will notify you once we have received your return package and you will be immediately refunded.


We understand you want your money back as soon as possible. That's why we refund the money within 14 days after receiving your return. Have you returned the entire order? Then we will also reimburse the shipping costs (if applicable). The amount will be refunded via the same payment method you used, unless we have agreed otherwise.

Please note: if an item has been used in a way that goes beyond what was necessary to assess it, we may need to withhold part of the purchase amount. We therefore recommend returning everything in the original packaging. Without the original packaging, the value of the product may decrease.

We may wait to refund until we have received the item, unless you can provide us with proof of shipment.


Would you prefer a different size, color, or style? No worries! Simply place a new order and return the item you wish to exchange according to the return procedure above. That way, you'll quickly get exactly what you want!


Did you receive a damaged item? That's certainly not what we intended, and we're happy to resolve it for you! Please contact us directly at or send us a message via WhatsApp at +31 73 711 3710, including photos or videos of the defect. We're here to help you further.

If you purchased the product from one of our retail partners, please contact the store where you bought it directly.

With these steps, returning items at Swim Essentials is as easy as ordering them, so you can quickly get back to enjoying that wonderful summer feeling!

With these steps, returning to Swim Essentials will be as easy as ordering and you can quickly get back to that wonderful summer feeling!